Volunteers assist the school in providing for the development and education of the students and provide a benefit to the school. All individuals who volunteer in the school must complete the Volunteer sign-up sheet and are required to complete the Diocesan mandated background check and Safe Environment training. These requirements must be met to volunteer with students. There is a $58 fee which can be counted as 2 parent hours. Ordinarily, any adult with a criminal conviction is not eligible to serve. The school reserves the right to decline to accept the services of a volunteer, to request a volunteer withdraw from service in school activities whenever, in the judgment of the administration, it is in the best interest of the school to do so.

Each parent is required to complete four (4) FunFair (including one (1) construction shift and one (1) take down shift) and an additonal ten (10) hours of service to be accomplished by participation in school sponsored activities or by giving direct service to the school. Activities are approved/denied by the administration and/or the HSA Board of Directors. Please ask a person in charge if you are unsure that your activity qualifies. Any family not fulfilling their commitment for the school year will be billed at a rate of $25/hour.

Volunteers serve in a variety of capacities which include, but are not limited to:

  • School Advisory Committee members
  • Home and School Organization officers
  • Classroom assistance to teachers
  • Field Trip Chaperone
  • Assisting with school events/fundraisers

Volunteers serving in the school will support and model the moral teachings of the Catholic Church and function faithfully within the mission and structures of the school, parish and Diocese with proper respect for those serving in ministries. We respectfully request that volunteers dress modestly and appropriately for school functions. St. Patrick Catholic School Spirit Shirts are available for sale for parents as well as children.